
ShiftEd CISC Video_ SCOE.mp4

What is Digital Literacy?

American Library Association (ALA) Definition

ALA’s Digital Literacy Task Force defines digital literacy as “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.” - Learn More

What is Project shiftED?

Provided by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education with support from the California Department of Education and California Department of Education Foundation. 

The COVID-19 pandemic caused several shifts in education.  Project shiftED aims to set a rigorous baseline of tech proficiency in California’s schools by transforming site teams into ambassadors of digital literacy and technology integration across the state.  Through research-based approaches to professional learning, site teams in shiftED will develop a roadmap to use at their schools/districts to train additional educators in the use of technology as a lever to construct learning environments that are active, collaborative, constructive, authentic and goal-directed. 

Site teams from diverse areas will meet regularly through a Community of Practice (COP) to align resources, provide professional learning and to identify common challenges. The culmination of shiftED will include an exhibition of all participants presenting to educators in a statewide forum. shiftED will be led by the Educational Leaders from the Tech+ Division at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. 

Digital Literacy Graphic


Action Plan for Districts or Sites

Activities to Support the Efforts


Learner Center Collaborative will be supporting the efforts, provide a global prospective as well as share promising practices around digital literacy.  

CUE, Inc will be supporting efforts and providing teacher leadership and expertise around technologies for teaching and learning.

California Educators Together will provide a platform for us to use to build community, share resources, and engage in online Communities of Practice.